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Pen Pal Club

Sponsor a Child


You can choose if you want to sponsor one child or a set of siblings. Your monthly donations will help benefit an African child living below poverty. Each month you will get a Progress reports from your child(ren). All donations go directly to the child's caretaker's mobile money account. 


The children you will be sponsoring are beautiful African children living in some of the poorest villages in Ghana. These children are living in survival mode everyday, and are in need of assistance with school tuition, clothing, nutritional food, clean water and medical care. 


14 year old Boy Twins from Osu, Accra

These Dynamic Two, are very smart young men, both excelling academically, with plans to become a Doctor and an Engineer.

They live with their single mother who tries hard to balance all the expenses by herself. 

With sponsorship, they are able to continue their studies full time and helps to sustain them each month. 



14 year old Girl from Asante Region, Kumasi

This strong and intelligent little human, has overcame many challenges in her young life, yet she still finds time to be kind and the courage to be herself. When Afia was 6 months, her mother passed, and her Dad, Joseph who was an artisan has been raising her by himself doing the best he can. After Covid-19, he lost his entire tourist clientele and was struggling to maintain their bills, he just recently passed away in the summer of 2021 and now Afia lives with her aging Grandmother with her cousins in her home village in Kumasi. Sponsorship helps her to pursue her dreams of becoming a law enforcement agent.

sponsorship details:


Become a Sponsor/Mentor to A Child

$50.00 a Month Per Child

Join Our Team, of caring and thoughtful sponsors/mentors that not only send monthly stipends of

$50 to cover living expenses.

Whatever you choose will make a big difference in the life of a child. You will get your choice of Gender and Age to match up a peer with your child.


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Male Student
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Family Using a Tablet

pen pals to afrika

Give Your Child An Experience of A Lifetime

When me and my daughters sponsored an Afrikan boy from Kenya in the early 90's, we wished we could of had more conversations with him and talk to him directly.

With K.I.M.S. KIDS Pen Pal Club your child will be able to interact directly with their sponsored sibling through an adult monitored social media account, they will be able to share pictures and stories and life experiences, traveling worlds without leaving their home, learning each other's culture and language, creating real-life connections and lasting friendships.

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